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suspension cable中文是什么意思

用"suspension cable"造句"suspension cable"怎么读"suspension cable" in a sentence


  • 吊索
  • 架空缆索
  • 起重索
  • 悬架缆


  • If you take the suspension cable which is the one meter thick , you could probably hang the titanic from that
  • The paper points out that the natural vibration frequency of strings can not be used to that of suspension cables
  • Elastic spread should not be neglected in the equipment of large skyline defection , such as aerial ropeway and suspension cable crane
  • Finally the wind - induced dynamic responses of suspension cables are discussed and a typical numerical example is presented . in this dynamic analysis the fluctuating wind - load function modeled from a certain wind speed spectrum is taken as the dynamic loading
  • Owing to many unique properties of their own such as light self - weight , large flexibility and low damping , suspension cables often suffer large displacements but small strains each under normal work conditions . cables are also sensitive to dynamic loading with low frequencies such as wind loading
  • In - plane displacements of a typical suspension cable under the given vertical load are analyzed . the obtained numerical results are compared with the corresponding theoretical results and good agreement is found . this demonstrates the accuracy and validity of the proposed method
  • Abstract : with the increasing of suspension bridge ? s span , the gravity stiffness of suspension cable itself is more important than vertical deflection resistance stiffness of stiffening girder which is serviced for the whole structure . in order to provide more knowledge of gravity stiffness of suspension cable , in this paper , gravity stiffness of suspension cable is formulated briefly and theoretically in case of ignoring the existing of the stiffening girder . the deformation and internal force of suspension cable can be calculated approximately in this way
  • In this thesis a new numerical method - the finite volume method is developed to achieve the static and dynamic large - deflection response analysis for suspension cables . the finite - volume division scheme is first established along the length of the cable and the deformation of each volume is defined using the common engineering strain concept . based on this strain definition the strain energy of the cable is determined
用"suspension cable"造句  
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